I use TD Bank for my personal banking, as well as path8. The team over there heard about our Share You Story Scholarship program and wanted to contribute.
They reached out to me saying that they wanted to film local business owners and their experiences during COVID-19. I was happy to help and set up a time for the interview. When they showed up at my house however, it wasn’t to interview me, but to award me with a very generous gift card to Hunt’s Photo & Video so I could purchase equipment for Brooke High School, who I’ve teamed with on the Share Your Story Scholarship.
I was blown away. This scholarship was a small idea I had to help out a student and thanks to TD Banks generosity we’ll be able to help out many students as they learn video production at Brooke.
I can’t thank TD enough for their support. This goes way beyond banking, they truly walk the walk when it comes to helping out their local communities.